An interactive documentary experience giving you control over
the climate stories and destinies of 6 individuals around the world.
The changing climatic context poses challenges to Hammad’s
steel mill.Will its managers make the right choices
for the industry and restore it to prosperity?
Michelle’s daily routine
and consumer habits are affected
by the climate. How will she react?
The persistent drought plaguing Marcel’s region
forces him to reconsider his future:
should he sell the farm and take an early retirement,
or adapt and persevere?
The island where Pai is living is destined to be
submerged by rising sea levels. Will the teenager
fall sway to bitterness due to this climatic injustice?
Can architect Li Wei convince his clients
of the benefits of ecological construction
in a country already choking with pollution?
An epidemic breaks out in a region
already affected by food shortages and local strife.
Will Maria be able to determine the source
of this terrible scourge?
7 fields, 7 problems,
a multitude of solutions.
The climate and history, discussions on the tensions
and future perspectives facing communities
How the climate works, what causes it to break down,
the current situation and predictions for the future
Impacts on daily life, how to make a difference,
achieve results and remain optimistic